(520) 390-7568

Our Method

Comprehensive ABA

Involves 30-40 Hours per week of 1:1 direct treatment

Zona BC will address multiple domains that impact an individual’s ability to function at the same level as their typically developing peers.  Focus will be primarily on gaining new skills (skill acquisition) and decreasing behaviors that impede an individual’s involvement in home, community, or educational opportunities (behavior reduction) in this comprehensive ABA treatment approach.

Patient/Caregiver Training

In coordination with both comprehensive and focused models

Patient/caregiver training is a required component of any treatment we offer at Zona BC and is designed to improve an individual’s ability and likelihood of implementing treatment protocols and recommendations outside of direct treatment and across environments.  The primary objectives within a parent/caregiver training module are: coaching, modeling, problem solving, support, and generalization through the use of objective and measurable goals for parents/caregivers.

Focused ABA

Involves 10-25 hours per week of 1:1 direct treatment

This program is designed to address a limited number of domains for individuals who only need to target key functional skills or for those in which the priority of treatment is a reduction in significant maladaptive behaviors. The primary focus objectives within a focused ABA treatment approach include targets that increase independence and/or address the health or safety of the individual or others.
